i have a memory of how a bad day ended up being a good day. i was walking home from high school (i lived 2 blocks away) and i had had a terrible day at school. i could not remember what had happened now thirty plus years ago. anyway, as i approached the house, i remembered thinking to myself, “great. i didn’t make my bed.” when i am depressed, nothing depresses me more than going home to a mess. so, as i climbed the stairs to my room, i thought that the first thing i was going to see was my messy room. when i entered my room, not only was my bed made and my room cleaned up, but mom had bought me a blouse and had laid it on my bed. i can still remember how elated i was, and even that the blouse was long sleeved crisp white cotton with teeny little cherries printed on it. thanks to my mom for lifting up my spirits without even knowing it.
August 31, 2008
jason couldn’t sleep the other night. i remember when i was in college, i couldn’t sleep if my room was a mess and it NEVER looked like the following photos. i didn’t arrange any of the things in the before photos. this is how jason lives. you will see a lot of food that he leaves where he puts it down when he is finished eating. his room will look like this in just a week or 2. this reminds me of an oprah show about this woman who lived in a mess like this, (except she had dogs that poohed everywhere), and oprah kept saying that there must be more going on than just being messy. so i wonder, as a worrier, is there more to this or is he just a teenager?
August 19, 2008
husband Scott
Husband Scott is very practical. He likes real life stuff, which is good, but you’ve gotta’ enjoy the silly and fantasy stuff, too. I mean, he fell asleep while watching “Lord of the Rings” on the big screen, started “Harry Potter” and couldn’t finish it (!) and walked out of “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”. However, his biggest pet peeve is when he has to listen to what someone dreamed about because why would he want to hear about something that isn’t real and usually doesn’t make sense. And he hears from me time and again, “I had the craziest dream last night!” (sigh)
So…two things happened this morning…
1. I had the craziest dream last night!
I dreamt that Scott and I were are on a cruise with our 2 cats, Nikki and Zoe, the fat one. Someone complains that we have cats with us in our room. So, another person comes to our room and says to us, “You can’t go on a cruise with cats.” And I am thinking, “but they are being good cats.” (And here is the crazy part), I look over at the cats and they are just sitting at a table playing cards, quietly.
What does THAT mean?!!!!!!
2. (second) I woke up and there was chocolate on the sheets. I show Scott (because I didn’t want him to think it was something else) and he asks why there is chocolate on the bed. And I said “I had chocolate in my pocket.”
Suddenly, a thought came to me. That would make a great title for a cool store or online store like threepotatofour.com or etsy.com. So, dibs!
August 12, 2008
I haven’t kept up with my entries. Am totally mesmerized with the Olympics - USA! USA! USA! Phelps is amazing and Jason Slezak (Michelle’s note: It’s LEzak, mom. Jeez…if you’re so obsessed you should know this. Quit callin’ him sleazy) rocks! Go Toga with the bronze in the 1 k white water kayak and how can I look as good as Dara Torres?
August 07, 2008
August 05, 2008
My friend, M at work, knows how much I LOVE these molasses cookies and brought some in when she had made a batch for a meeting. These are the very best molasses cookies ever!!!! If you want the recipe, email me at anamanzana@mac.com.
What a different morning at work than yesterday (see below), hunh! See, it just goes to show you that even if you think you do the same thing day in and day out, things are not the same at all.
So, maybe my life isn’t so boring after all.
August 04, 2008
Michelle, my daughter, set up my blog, but only I am contributing to it. She says I need to change the colors that I have chosen, but I like how it looks, for now. Michelle is trying to fix up her blog, one more thing . I like hers, too. She is more creative than I am. We both think that color is very very very important.
I like things to line up just right as well. Both my children like to tease me because I adjust the volume on the TV in increments of 5. (So, when I adjust it to say “30”, Jason or Michelle will up it to “31” or “32”.) Does that make me OCD? I don’t have to have it like that in order to watch TV, I just like it like that.
My brother-in-law thinks I am too neat, as well, and when he sat at my desk last week (after I left…I work part time), he totally dis-organized it. It was pretty funny except the part where he messed with the computer settings on my computer. I thought my computer was malfunctioning and was on hold with the help desk till he fixed it (ha ha…so funny, I forgot to laugh…that is such an old saying…do people actually say that anymore?)
August 03, 2008
Jason, my son, says that he won’t read my blog anymore because it’s boring and about shoes, and I am not keeping up with it.
Well, I’m busy!
I have been washing and ironing alllllllllll weekend (including washing his clothes and ironing his shirts).
I think this is why I have never kept a journal nor a diary. I am not good at keeping one up and basically my life is as boring as my blog. I am actually kinda’ excited about this and will be working on it more. AFTER I AM FINISHED WITH THE LAUNDRY (sigh).