ahhhhhhh…the yellow swimsuit…i loved that swimsuit. it had a textured yellow fabric. it really enhanced the tan and i loved the back. it had a big round opening with 3 different colored buttons that buttoned the top of the opening up to the back of the neck.
this was the summer after 8th grade and we took our very first trip outside of texas and oklahoma. we went to visit some friends in la jolla, ca. i felt very awkward in that i was taller than everyone but my dad. my brother john (with the glasses) was only a year younger than me. i grew 3 inches that summer. i was 5’8” which is how tall i am now. it’s funny how i felt then, but now i look back and think i would love to be like that again (sigh).
this was a turning point in my life. i never obsessed with my weight or figure until then. this is where i begun hoping that i would be pretty and started thinking about my clothes. until then, i remember having favorite dresses that i would wear over and over again, but not really think that much about it. it was more fun just to worry about not being bored. after the summer of the yellow swimsuit, i would start obsessing about not having breasts, having very long and skinny arms (oh to have skinny arms!), and working on a smile like cheryl tiegs (i would never have her figure).