January 15, 2010

i bombed the cleanse!

brother paul did it for 5 days and had to stop because his kidneys were in pain. i managed 3/4 of a day. i finish the first liter of lemonade at work, came home and tried to finish the second liter of lemonade, but couldn’t get the last 8 oz down. i had a headache..caffeine withdrawals and took a nap. got up and sat around. i didn’t have to worry about being hungry because i wasn’t. i was nauseous. i started drinking the liter of salt water for the flush. i go 3/4 of it down and half of it came back up. then, later, i threw up some more. went to bed and slept until 10:00am this morning…..without a single poop.

instead of saying that i was unable to do the cleanse, i am going to say that my body rejected the cleanse. not my fault….i tried.

i did lose 5 lbs.

this morning, i had peanut butter toast, an apple and 2 aspirin for breakfast…way better than cayenne lace lemonade, which the first sip was good, but after the first liter…not so much.

and, all i can think about is - i wonder if scott will be up for a movie at the movie tavern where i can get the big bucket of popcorn and a dr pepper!

the best way to a healthy body and weight loss is the same o same o: eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lay off the sugar, the fat and the processed foods, and of course, exercise exercise exercise.

do you think that it was a coincidence that 3 of the many blogs i follow posted recipes for granola and multigrain muffins? that is what i will be making this weekend.

www.cowgirlchef.com has one without oil or coconut. i am going to try that one first.

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