July 01, 2011

too hot

well, it has begun...summer. as you can see i didn't post anything since june 1st. why? it's too hot. we had record hight temperatures for the month of june. it hasn't been this hot since the summer of 1980. if you live in texas and are older than 31, you know all about the summer of 1980. i do. i was married in june of 1980...on the first day of summer...the longest day of the year...it was 104 degrees. i pretty much melted.

so, it has been too hot to do anything.

including being too hot to cook. this is part of the makings for a salad with chicken and cucumbers. i don't know why, but cucumbers are so refreshing when i am hot. i thought at first i was too hot to eat, hence the pre dinner snack of a chicken leg (i waited too long to start dinner and could not resist).

the only thing that has kept me going is the nice people that are around. yesterday, my buddy (what do you call a person that works at starbucks who remembers your name, your drink and what you talked about the last time you came in?) at starbucks said the very nicest thing...ever. she has her own blog and she is a very talented photographer. check her out!

and now back to me...when she handed me my order, yesterday, she said that one day she aspires to be able to dress like me some day!!! seriously, that is super super nice, especially when i sometimes question what i decide to wear on a daily basis.

i'm no glamourai...i wish i was...but i am not. on my bucket list is to be photographed by the sartorialist. scott schuman, if you are ever in fort worth, i hope i am camera worthy...must be many pounds lighter and look really cool and confident and have a great outfit on...whatevs...it is never going to happen. plus it is too hot.

one of the more questionable things i did recently i photographed because i was so unsure:

i definitely need to lose a lot more weight and YES i took the photo in our office bathroom. i was hoping that i didn't look like little Edie that day. to make me feel more confident, i did wore my most favorite and comfortable shoes:

well, i better wrap up. i will try to post more soon. i won't be able to use the 'too hot' excuse in that i am traveling to lake tahoe and san francisco.

i had to pack sweaters and a sweatshirt!!!


  1. Of course she'd aspire to dress like you! You're awesome. Love and miss you and see you in a few weeks!

  2. Little Edie. Love the Grey Gardens reference!

  3. i'm slightly obsessed with grey gardens. i have seen bits and pieces of it because i just can't watch it all at once. i would not sleep well after watching it in its entirety. some movies get to me where my brain must mull over it over and over again and won't shut down while i am trying to sleep. do movies affect your sleep like that?
