not really.
i have been busy shopping for christmas gifts (done nearly! just one left) and wrapping them all up (done nearly! just waiting for the rest to be delivered) and cleaning the house. we are getting our tree tomorrow and i will be decorating it and the house, plus cleaning the rest of the house before daughter michelle and son-in-law dru come in (yea!)
none the less, the house looks christmas-sy:
nothing says christmas like fried green tomatoes. just kidding.
i didn't have any tomatoes at all during the summer (waaaaaaay too hot and dry, just in case you didn't read all my complaints about this last summer's weather) and now, after the freeze browned up the plants...i have about 25 green tomatoes. so, i fried me up a batch and learned a very valuable lesson. here it is:
don't make something for the first time without reading a few recipes first. panko bread crumbs may be a good idea, but how do you make it stick? i think the only way to make it stick is to scuff up the tomatoes first with know, like one would prep a surface to paint?
also, i have been driving a car with frost on the windshield almost every morning. pretty, but aggravating all at the same time.
i have a sofa in my car spot in the garage. if anyone wants it, it's $200 and it's a white ikea one. let me know.
i cleaned out my raised bed today and pulled out all the dead plants. then, i went to the nursery to pick up some tulips. i'm planting them tomorrow. i have never been successful with tulips, but here's hoping.
anyhow, i got these hellebores. there was a sign that said to keep them indoors and plant later. they are pretty, aren't they? i hope they last through christmas. then i will plant them in the garden. i sure hope we can continue with the landscaping that we started until it came to a halt with the drought and the heat (did i mention how hot it was this last summer? it was so hot).
every december, i look at all the traffic lights differently at night. because of the red and green, i think they look like christmas. every other month, they just look like traffic lights. event the brake lights look like christmas at night in december, but other months...nope.
so, since i haven't put up any christmas decorations, here are some christmas-y looks in everyday things:
green tea frappuccino with half the sugar and no whipped new favorite and it is so delicious. it's even more delicious when shared with a friend who is enjoying her latte.
guacamole and chips.
see? it's beginning to look like christmas every where i go (even with the ordinary things).
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