i've neglected this blog for so long that i could end it all right now.
why do i blog?
i don't make any money with it, and it's not a profession. i don't have a lot of followers, so i won't really be missed. i have always felt a little funny telling people that i have a blog and try to self promote...somewhat. and i have certainly not gone viral and ellen degeneres has not invited me to her show.
so...why should i continue? why?
then...i have a really bad day. okay, it wasn't earth shatteringly bad. it was more just a one-thing-after-another kind of day. not something that is really worth writing down.
but, then i work out and i feel better.
and, i talk to daughter michelle who makes me feel even better.
then...i fix myself this
spinach with watermelon, cucumber & feta cheese...salty and refreshing.
and i have the following text conversation with son jason:
me: "what do you need from home that i can bring you?"
jason: "there's a purple connector cable in my room that i need. also, the third place chess trophy above the bed. that's it."
me: "why the trophy?"
jason: "why not?"
and, suddenly i'm having a great day and i have something that i really want to write about, so that when i look back at my blog, i will read this and smile.
why blog?
why not?
btw, son jason was in a summer chess class (tcjc for kids), and the teacher had a chess tournament open for all classes, and jason won third.
he was eight years old.