January 17, 2010

new year’s resolution

January 15, 2010

my view from my window, looking out across my front yard. the city is fixing our sewer system on our street. isn’t this lovely?

see…i’m not the only one who may have trouble with their drainage system (see blog on cleanse).


now this…this is the life. saw up in the air tonight. it.was.so.good.



just read the article about the Haiti earthquake. 50,000 people! that is way too many.

so very very sad.

i bombed the cleanse!

brother paul did it for 5 days and had to stop because his kidneys were in pain. i managed 3/4 of a day. i finish the first liter of lemonade at work, came home and tried to finish the second liter of lemonade, but couldn’t get the last 8 oz down. i had a headache..caffeine withdrawals and took a nap. got up and sat around. i didn’t have to worry about being hungry because i wasn’t. i was nauseous. i started drinking the liter of salt water for the flush. i go 3/4 of it down and half of it came back up. then, later, i threw up some more. went to bed and slept until 10:00am this morning…..without a single poop.

instead of saying that i was unable to do the cleanse, i am going to say that my body rejected the cleanse. not my fault….i tried.

i did lose 5 lbs.

this morning, i had peanut butter toast, an apple and 2 aspirin for breakfast…way better than cayenne lace lemonade, which the first sip was good, but after the first liter…not so much.

and, all i can think about is - i wonder if scott will be up for a movie at the movie tavern where i can get the big bucket of popcorn and a dr pepper!

the best way to a healthy body and weight loss is the same o same o: eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lay off the sugar, the fat and the processed foods, and of course, exercise exercise exercise.

do you think that it was a coincidence that 3 of the many blogs i follow posted recipes for granola and multigrain muffins? that is what i will be making this weekend.

www.cowgirlchef.com has one without oil or coconut. i am going to try that one first.

January 13, 2010

see this? this is what i going to have all day. i am starting the master cleanse tomorrow. i love the idea of cleansing your body of toxins and i am believing that it will. i am the worst with discipline and even more worse with completing anything. so i am really hoping that i can go through with this. the cleanse involves drinking 2 liters of “lemonade” made of lemon juice, maple syrup & cayenne pepper and a liter of water. then, at the end of the day, drinking a liter of salt water with another liter of water which will cause me to …. ahem …. poop. 5 - 7 days is ideal to do this. i have set my goal to 4 days. then on monday, i begin to ease in to eating again. daughter michelle has heard (read) that after this, i will not crave bad food. i hope to stay off dr peppers and processed food. and, i hope to continue with weight watchers till i reach my goal.

so, let’s see what happens. it may be stupid to chronicle this, but maybe i will be able to go through this to the end. then, i will post my new year’s resolutions next…maybe.

so…the night before the cleanse, this is what i had. it.was.delicious. it was my dad’s 78th birthday today and we went out to dutch’s. now….my dad does not eat out a lot. he thinks my mom is the best cook ever, so why pay to eat something that mom does better, right? so, surprisingly, dad likes dutch’s hamburgers…and the $4 beer pitchers. he thinks the best burgers, in town, are the ones at the modern. i also like love shack’s burgers.

anyway, this is the last meal before…………………………..the cleanse.

this is the before the cleanse photos. my lovely daughter tells me that there won’t be a difference after the cleanse unless these were naked photos of me (ha! as if i would ever post that!), but she is probably right that there won’t be a change, EXCEPT my face might be more drawn, pale and un-smiley.

January 07, 2010

well, here i am doing my disappearing act. i have lost 45 pounds and have 15 - 20 pounds to go. i am not getting back to my diet and as i have made this a new year’s resolution, so i have already broken it. i hope posting this will incite me to start. after all, i have a wedding coming up…daughter michelle’s…not mine. why is eating properly so hard to do? i mean, i feel so much better when i eat properly, but i still eat filet o fish’s. why? why? (le sigh)